Monday, June 11, 2012

June's Mama Activity: Cloth Diaper Class!

For this month's Mama Activity we're doing a … *insert drum roll please!*
Fun eh?! ;)

***Note: Please note that we normally have our Mama Activities listed to be at 7:00 pm in the info sections of the blog and FB group page, but this one is going to be at 5:00 instead -so dont miss it!! ;) ...Also, the location is currently tentative as depending on how many mamas (& Kids) come we'll maybe change it to a park or something. ***

First we'll have a little class about cloth diapers (taught by the awesome Deann Hadley <--Thank you mama!), and then afterwards we'll have an area set up where you can buy/sell/trade used cloth diapers (-which may sound weird to any cloth diapering newbies, but its a ‘big thing’ in the cloth diapering world! ;) lol).
We’ll have some other cloth diapers there so that interested mamas can touch and check out some of our local mamas’ favorites in person, as well as have some giveaways going on for some new cloth diaper stuff and other fun things!

To Bring: (ALL are optional!)
* As for all the “Mama Activity” nights, bringing your kids is optional. (I’m personally probably going to pawn mine off on daddy this time, but I’ll have the location be somewhere where kids can have somewhere to play too for anyone who needs it. ;) )
* Any friends you think may also be interested!
* A treat to share if you want/can! (I’ll bring drinks and plates.)
* Some of your personal favorite cloth diapers to let other mamas touch and check out.
* Any used cloth diapers you’re interested in trading/selling, any related items that you make yourself and want to sell and show off .... and of course any money that you may need if you want to purchase some of these items from others!

Friday, June 8, 2012

June's Playgroup

Alright mamas! Its about time for our second playgroup! :) This upcoming Weds (the 13th) from 11:00-1:00pm. Grab your kids, swimsuits, sunscreen, lunch if you want, and come hit up the Providence Splash pad with us! (Alma Leonhardt Park, 310 West 250 North)

Spread the word and lets get more mamas this time!!! :)
*Note: Just FYI, it is free, and there is a regular playground there too and a big covered pavilion as well with picnic tables and restrooms if you need.

--Details for our Mama Activity this month are in the works and will be up soon too! ;) --