Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Natural Ways to Increase your Milk Supply

Note: Please refer to and consult with a lactation specialist and/or pediatrician before assuming that your milk supply is low attempting these remedies. Also, be sure that you are getting enough rest, eating healthy foods, and drinking a large glass of water with each feeding/pumping session.

Nutritional and Brewer's Yeast

Nutritional or brewer’s yeast frequently leads to a significant boosts in a mothers’ milk supply. Mothers sometimes say that they feel much more energetic and emotionally balanced while taking yeast. This may signal a l
ack of essential nutrients in their diet, in particular, chromium, vitamin B complex, and especially vitamin B12, found in some brands of fortified nutritional yeast. Brewer’s and nutritional yeast also contain protein and good levels of phytoestrogen.

Allergy: Persons who are allergic to yeast should avoid these products.

Side-effects: Occasionally, mothers or babies become gassy, more so with brewer’s yeast than nutritional yeast. To be on the safe side, start with a small dosage and slowly increase.

Sources: Vegetarian stores and health food stores. 

Oats (Avena Sativa)

The humble oat is one of our most nutritious foods, and contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and trace elements that nourish the nerves, support the metabolism of fats, and uplift the spirit. In traditional medicine, both the see
d and the leaf—called oat-straw—are taken. Oats are prescribed as a nervine tonic in the treatment of nervous exhaustion. In Europe, women traditionally take oats after birth. Oats are taken today in the US to increase milk production, both as food and as a supplement. Like other galactagogues, oats are antidepressant, antispasmodic, and they increase perspiration.

Allergy: Occasional. Persons sensitive to gluten in wheat are frequently able to tolerate oats.

Dosage and Preparation:

Taking large dosages of oats is helpful in kick-starting milk production.

Oatmeal can be taken for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

Oat-straw is especially rich in minerals. It is available as capsules or as an ingredient in so-called “green-drinks.” Take as indicated on the package.

Fluid extract: 3 – 5 ml (15 – 35 drops), three times a day.


Spices in your kitchen can be used to support milk production. Try adding marjoram and basil to your meals, and anise, dill or caraway. Black pepper, taken in moderation, is helpful.



Fennel can be eaten raw or cooked, for instance, steamed, or sautéed in butter and then simmered in a bit of water. Fennel seed is well-known as an herb to increase milk production. The vegetable, containing the same pharmacologically active volatile oils, acts as a gentler support.

Carrot, Beet, Yam

These reddish vegetables are full of beta-carotene, needed in extra amounts during lactation. Carrot seed has been used as a galactagogue, and the vegetable, also containing the volatile oils and phytoestrogen, acts as a gentler support. The beet is a wonderful source of minerals and iron. Taking raw beet can help alleviate iron deficiency. These vegetables are naturally sweet, and they support the liver.

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables

Dark green vegetables are a potent source of minerals, vitamins and enzymes, as well as phytoestrogen that support lactation. Dandelion and stinging nettle leaves are diuretic, and can help reduce edema during pregnancy and after birth. They can be plucked from your garden in early spring and eaten whole, chopped into salad, or used to make tea. Stinging nettle can be harvested for salad or cooked as spinach. In your market, you'll find arugula, beet leaves, kale, Swiss chard, spinach, chicory, collard greens and others.

Grains and Legumes

Grains and legumes have a long history as galactagogues. The most commonly used grains include oats, millet, barley and rice. Oats are the most widely used lactogenic food in the US. Legumes to include in your diet are chickpea, mung beans and lentils.


Nuts that support milk supply include almonds, cashews, and macadamia nuts. As much as possible, eat raw nuts, not roasted or salted. The taste of raw nuts will grow on you.


Garlic is famous for its medical benefits, and has a long history as a galactagogue.

In one study, babies were seen to latch on better, suckle more actively, and drink more milk when the mother had garlic prior to nursing(2). If you do not wish to eat garlic, try adding a capsule of garlic extract to a meal eaten about an hour before breastfeeding.


Ginger is helpful for the letdown and milk flow. Some mothers benefit from drinking ginger ale. Even commercial ginger ale is flavored with “natural flavoring” that is real ginger. Don't use ginger or garlic if you are on a blood thinner.


New to Cloth Diapers?

Here's a link to a list of cloth diapering terms:

Monday, November 5, 2012

Crunchy Recipes

These are recipes shared and discussed by our community on Facebook. The group, as a whole, does not necessarily endorse these practices and viewpoints. We hope that you find them useful for your own research.



How to respond to naysayers (funny!)

“Co-sleeping is weird. Don’t you have a crib?” Response: “Yes, and we prefer to use it to store laundry.”

“Co-sleeping is unhealthy. Everyone needs their own bed.” Response: “Said the bed factory.”

“Homebirth? Ew! What will you do with the mess?” Response: “Make candles for Christmas gifts. What’s your address again?”

“Homebirth? So dangerous!” Response: “Don’t worry, after baby is born we plan to raise her inside of an actual hospital. Just to be safe.”

“Homebirth? Are you crazy?” Response: “Have you seen gas prices? This will save TWO trips.”

“Your baby will never learn to walk.” Response: “We’ll cross that bridge when the time comes. Well… I’ll cross… he’ll be in a carrier.”

“Can’t you just use a stroller?” Response: “When the zombies come, being hands-free is going to be essential for survival.”

“She’ll never WALK!” Response: “How else will I make sure she never leaves me? (must be said with a straight face).

How to make milk!

Health Humor

Cervical Dilation Guide

Source: Spirit of Ilithyia Birth Services

Babywearing Humor

Newborn's breastmilk/colostrum intake

Natural Birth Humor

Cost comparison of cloth vs disposable

Cost comparison of cloth vs disposable diapers

 So if we assume we are always using 1.98 KWH per load (average machine uses 0.256 KWH/load with really old and inefficient machines listed at 0.91-1.98 KWH/load according to one website) and also assume a load everyday, to give ourselves the worst case scenario, according to last month’s bill we would be adding $3.60 to our electricity bill every month. If we use dryer this will be more [at the time we hadn’t planned on using a dryer to prolong the life of the diapers, but now we realize it would take WAY too long for them to dry otherwise].
If we assume we use Charlie’s soap (recommended) to wash our diapers (not the cheapest option) then it will cost us $0.19/load. With a load everyday (again, an overestimate) it would cost us $5.79/month.
Total maintenance cost= ~$9.30/month
Start up costs of cloth diapers: 4 diaper covers @ $15 ea. (not the cheapest)=$60 + 24 Gerber prefolds@ $1 each =$84 + wet/dry tote for convenience [hadn’t thought of pail liner at the time] ($10)=$94 total.
Comparison with Costco diapers assuming baby with an average use of 10 diapers/day (an underestimate given the range of 8-15 stated as average) for the first six months. Cost of Costco diapers (a cheaper option to give disposables the best case scenario) therefore equals about $57.69/month.
Disposable /Cloth Overall
1st month $57.69 $103.30 -45.61
2nd month $57.69 $9.30 +2.78
3rd month $57.69 $9.30 +51.17
4th month $57.69 $9.30 +99.56
5th month $57.69 $9.30 +147.95
6th month $57.69 $9.30 +196.34

Breastfeeding Humor

Foot Zoning for babies

Sunday, November 4, 2012

A Birthing Poem

Can I labor over there?
Can I labor on the chair?
No! No labor over there!
Don’t labor on the chair!
Sit there, sit there, you will see,
You must labor with this IV!
I do not like this sharp IV!
I need to move, to dance, to pee!
Doctor, Doctor, let me be;
Say, get your pesky hands off me!
No! You can’t move, or dance, or pee!
You must labor with this IV!
Not over there, not on the chair,
Not with the ball, you’ll have a fall!
Can I labor with a doula?
Can I use some calendula?
Can I labor on hands and knees?
Can I birth just how I please?
No! Not with a doula! No – what’s calendula?
Lay back, lay back, count to ten,
Breathe – he he hoo – push again!
No thank you, doctors, nurse, and crew,
I’ll go and labor without you.
I’ll labor here, I’ll labor there!
In the shower – everywhere!
I’ll labor standing, squatting, sitting
I’ll labor on my couch while knitting!
I’ll have a doula – I’ll have three!
They’ll let me eat and bring me tea.
Try them! Try them! You will see!
You can go shove that darn IV.
Author Unknown

Birth Humor

Fermenting Veggie Class

Fermented Recipes

 Cortido (the spicy Latin American kraut) I did not put the red cabbage in and added about 1/2 t red peppers:

Fermented Carrot Sticks: This recipe does not add any flavoring to the brine solution. Last night the carrots had garlic and ginger added in, you can also add fresh dill, or any other flavor that sounds good to you. Remember to buy your carrots whole and peel and slice them yourself, rather than the baby carrots that have been preserved in a choline solution, which is not good for your ferment.
Basic sauerkraut recipe from Wild Fermentation, one of the books that I brought last night:
Recent research conforms the benefits of probiotics during pregnancy and breastfeeding. I would argue that we should eat them not just during pregnancy and breastfeeding though, but throughout life! I would also rather eat delicious fermented foods than take a daily supplement because fermented foods are yummy, simple, and inexpensive. :)
Japanese Sauerkraut / Tsukemono

1 med. cabbage, cored and shredded
8 green onions, chopped
2 TB unpasteurized soy sauce
2 TB fresh lemon juice
1 TB sea salt

Combine ingredients in a bowl and pound down with a meat hammer to help draw out juices. Transfer to a quart-sized mason jar and press down firmly, add non-chlorinated water if need to keep cabbage covered in water. Leave 1" space at top and cover close lid tightly.

Leave at room temp for 3-7 days. Keep an eye on it make sure the liquid is fully covering ingredients and to make sure it is not bubbling over and making a mess. Transfer to fridge when done.
Some more:

Thanks Angie!

Friday, October 5, 2012

Some changes & blog makeover!

Hello ladies!
 We posted a while back that we had some privacy issues with some of our mamas and to help protect them we made the FaceBook group setting as "secret" and stopped putting specific details about our activities on the blog, and haven't started using it (the bog) for much else yet.  Ive been debating what to do to help these mamas our, but still have the blog accessible to our mamas who don't have FaceBook.  
Megan and I talked today and agreed that we're also going to be a little more cautious about who is added to the group, for the protection of those who are needing it, and we're not going to post anything at all about our upcoming activities on the blog anymore. Instead we would like to start using it more for sharing articles, community events, recipes, links, more info on the stuff we learned in our classes and etc. ...So if you ladies have anything you'd like to post please contact me (Jes) or Megan and we'll help you out! You can also just email the group's email address (found on the "contact" tab).  If you have any other ideas for us or anything you that want on the blog let us know!
 -Oh and for those in the FB group, don't forget to check out our upcoming events this month! They're going to be so fun! :)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

August's Playgroup

Who's ready for August's playgroup!? :)

Grab your kids, some sunscreen, lunch if you want, and come play with us!
Wednesday, Aug 9th from 11:00 pm - 1:00 ish pm
(*See the group's Facebook page for more details and the location!)
Also, as usual we have the time from 11:00-1:00ish but just come when you can work it around nap times and etc! -We all end up staying longer anyway so we'll overlap and still get to visit! :)

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Some changes for the mamas' privacy...

Hey Mamas!
Just a heads up, but many of you have noticed the privacy setting for our Facebook group page has been changed from "closed" group to "secret" group and many have been asking me about it. Without going into details, its just a temporary thing while we figure some stuff out for some of our mamas in need, and its an attempt to help keep their info private. 
We will still be posting info about our activities, but details such as location will no longer be mentioned on this blog. To find out more info needed to come to these events you will now need to request to join the group's page on facebook, or contact us through our email (seen in the contact tab on the menu bar). However, note that for the time being though, (while we check some things out), requests to join may be delayed on being approved. So if you want to join, or if you have a mama you want to invite to the group or know someone who wants to join will you please just message us and let us know and then we'll talk with you and work on adding them A.S.A.P?!
Thanks for understanding mamas, and sorry for the inconvenience! ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July's Mama Activity: Babywearing 101

For this month's Mama Activity we are having our first babywearing class!
Wednesday, July 25th from 7:00 pm - 8:30 ish pm
(*See the group's facebook page for the location and for more details!)
This class will be more of a "Babywearing 101," and the first in a series of babywearing classes that the lovely Mayme Seng Ercanbrack will teach us!

This class will be the perfect intro to babywearing, and we'll talk about benefits of babywearing, the principles behind correct positioning, what makes a good carrier, the different kinds of carriers and we will take a look at them all.

To Bring: (ALL are optional!)
* As for all the “Mama Activity” nights, bringing your kids is optional. (I’m personally probably going to pawn mine off on daddy this time, but I’ll have the location be somewhere where kids can have somewhere to play too for anyone who needs it. ;) )
* Any friends you think may also be interested!
* A treat to share if you want/can! (I’ll bring drinks and plates.)
* Those mamas with their own carriers and wraps can feel free to bring their own carriers too, and if we have time after the class you can try eachothers' carriers out and get help with any other babywearing questions you might have. -In the next babywearing classes we have we will learn more specific carries and practice them more in depth though. :)


**Note: For this particular class we are going to have a sort of "part 2/DIY class" on the following Saturday as well. For this one, Megan Lindstrom will be teaching how to make your own of several different kinds of carriers for those interested. She will talk a little about this at our class, as well as more details will be available in the event invite for that day!

Monday, July 2, 2012

July's Playgroup: Meetup at the park!

Alright mamas! Its about time for our July playgroup! :)

This is just a general playgroup at the park, so grab your kids, swimsuits (where applicable), sunscreen, lunch if you want, and come play at the park with all of our awesome Cache Valley Crunchy Mamas!

Wednesday, July 11th from 11:00 am - 1:00 ish pm ...please see the group's facebook page for the location and for more details!

**Note: Although the time is written as 11:00 to 1:00 ish... keep in mind that its a "come and go as you can" kind of thing and that last time we had some chatty mamas stay until like 3:00 or 4:00!! So PLEASE still come even if you think you're going to be "late"! ;)

Monday, June 11, 2012

June's Mama Activity: Cloth Diaper Class!

For this month's Mama Activity we're doing a … *insert drum roll please!*
Fun eh?! ;)

***Note: Please note that we normally have our Mama Activities listed to be at 7:00 pm in the info sections of the blog and FB group page, but this one is going to be at 5:00 instead -so dont miss it!! ;) ...Also, the location is currently tentative as depending on how many mamas (& Kids) come we'll maybe change it to a park or something. ***

First we'll have a little class about cloth diapers (taught by the awesome Deann Hadley <--Thank you mama!), and then afterwards we'll have an area set up where you can buy/sell/trade used cloth diapers (-which may sound weird to any cloth diapering newbies, but its a ‘big thing’ in the cloth diapering world! ;) lol).
We’ll have some other cloth diapers there so that interested mamas can touch and check out some of our local mamas’ favorites in person, as well as have some giveaways going on for some new cloth diaper stuff and other fun things!

To Bring: (ALL are optional!)
* As for all the “Mama Activity” nights, bringing your kids is optional. (I’m personally probably going to pawn mine off on daddy this time, but I’ll have the location be somewhere where kids can have somewhere to play too for anyone who needs it. ;) )
* Any friends you think may also be interested!
* A treat to share if you want/can! (I’ll bring drinks and plates.)
* Some of your personal favorite cloth diapers to let other mamas touch and check out.
* Any used cloth diapers you’re interested in trading/selling, any related items that you make yourself and want to sell and show off .... and of course any money that you may need if you want to purchase some of these items from others!

Friday, June 8, 2012

June's Playgroup

Alright mamas! Its about time for our second playgroup! :) This upcoming Weds (the 13th) from 11:00-1:00pm. Grab your kids, swimsuits, sunscreen, lunch if you want, and come hit up the Providence Splash pad with us! (Alma Leonhardt Park, 310 West 250 North)

Spread the word and lets get more mamas this time!!! :)
*Note: Just FYI, it is free, and there is a regular playground there too and a big covered pavilion as well with picnic tables and restrooms if you need.

--Details for our Mama Activity this month are in the works and will be up soon too! ;) --

Monday, May 21, 2012

CVCM's First Meetup!

Our first Cache Valley Crunchy Mama's meet up will be a playgroup this Wednesday (May 23rd) at 11:00 am -1:00 pm, at the park at the Whittier Center (290 North 400 East, Logan, UT). 
Bring the kids, sunscreen, some lunch if you wish and come meet everyone!

We will also be having a meetup the following Wednesday in the evening (to take place for those mamas who cant make the first or who are only able to make the Mama Activity times/days) and we will post more details for that here shortly! ...Then in June we will pick up with the regularly planned schedule (see the meetups tab for more info on that).

We're excited to meet you all! :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012

We're starting!

Yay!! :)

We're just working on figuring out days, times and locations for everything now, so come join us on Facebook! -and spread the word!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012


I'm tired of feeling like the only "hippie" family up here (though I KNOW we're not the only cloth diapering, babywearing, co-sleeping, etc family!), and I haven't been able to find any other mama groups closer than Ogden and SLC so I decided that we needed to start one! ...I need some like-minded mama friends! (lol)

We're going to have this be both a sort of laid back chatty "play group", but also have some "mama activity" days that we can do (classes on things like babywearing stuff & other interests that our group has, do some service projects, and etc). That way everyone is welcome ("crunchy" or not, lol) to come to both, but if they're not interested in one or the other they can skip it but still be involved. :)

I've been thinking about this and talking to people about this for months, and am so excited to have FINALLY got around to starting it! I found a couple other awesome mamas to help me get the word out, so lets see if we can get something going!

Sooo...who's in?! ;)
